As you begin to prepare your home for holiday guests, consider professional carpet cleaning as part of your cleaning regimen. If your family is anything like ours, you will likely have guests (and pets) sleeping in every room in your home. You will also likely be opening up that special sitting room thatʼs only used once a year – and probably hasnʼt been cleaned in months. Martinʼs Carpet Cleaning Service, a division of Martinʼs Flooring, can make your old carpet look better than new.
We have recognized that not all carpets are the same, therefore have developed multiple cleaning methods and techniques to properly care for any type of carpet. We also take into consideration indoor environment factors to determine which cleaning method will be most effective. Additionally, all Martinʼs Flooring carpet cleaning services use truck-mounted equipment, hot water extraction cleaning (recommended by carpet manufacturers), and a rotating carpet cleaning head. Unlike other carpet cleaning companies, our cleaners include the pretreatment of your carpet, moving your furniture, spot treatments for stains, and baseboard cleaning and edging.
Professional carpet cleaning is also a great idea for post-holiday clean up. Mud tracks, wine spills and pine needles have likely accumulated in the foyer, dining room and living room, and youʼve worked hard to make this holiday perfect. So sit back, relax, and let the professionals take care of the clean up! Weʼve been serving the carpet cleaning needs of the Harrisburg PA area for years and thereʼs no job too small or too large for us to handle.
If youʼre in the Harrisburg PA area, call the professionals of Martinʼs Carpet Cleaning Services for a carpet cleaning consultation. Call us at (717) 406-1662.